Schedule for Weekly Test-1[From 15-07-2024 to 28-07-2024] LevelBasicSubjectTopicsMathsNumber senseA.1 Place valuesA.2 Convert between place valuesA.3 Word names for numbersA.4 Ordinal numbers to 100thA.5 RoundingA.6 Even or odd: arithmetic rulesA.7 Inequalities with number linesA.8 Compare numbers up to five digitsScienceEnglish LevelAcademicSubjectTopicsMathsScienceEnglish LevelAdvanceSubjectTopicsMathsScienceEnglishPrefixes and suffixesT.1 Identify base words, prefixes and suffixesT.2 Determine the meaning of a word with pre-, re- or mis-T.3 Use the prefixes pre-, re- and mis-T.4 Determine the meaning of a word with -ful or -lessT.5 Determine the meaning of a word with -ly or -nessT.6 Determine the meaning of a word with -able or -mentT.7 Determine the meaning of a word with a suffix: reviewT.8 Determine the meanings of words with prefixes and suffixes: review Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11