Describe the difference between related words

key notes :

Some words are alike, but they have small differences in meaning. Those differences are called shades of meaning. For example, think about the words starepeek, and glare.

stareto look at something for a while
peekto look at something quickly
glareto look at something in an angry way

Starepeek, and glare all mean to look at something, but in different ways.

Learn with an example

Which is younger?

  • A) a cat
  • B) a  kitten

kitten is a baby cat. So, a kitten is younger.

Which is more sure?

  • A) thinking
  • B) knowing 

Thinking means you believe something is right. Knowing means you are sure something is right. So, knowing is more sure.

Which is bigger?

  • A) a mountain
  • B) a hill

mountain is a very large hill. So, a mountain is bigger.

Which makes a sound?

  • A) laughing
  • B) smiling

Both smiling and laughing show that you are happy or that something is funny. But when you laugh, you also make a noise. So, laughing makes a sound.

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