Positive and negative connotation

key notes:

  • Connotation refers to the feelings or ideas that a word evokes beyond its literal meaning.

Words with positive connotation carry a good or favorable meaning.


  • “Youthful” suggests being energetic and vibrant.
  • “Thrifty” implies being smart about spending money.

Words with negative connotation have a bad or unfavorable meaning.


  • “Childish” suggests being immature or silly.
  • “Cheap” implies low quality or something of less value.

The connotation of a word can change depending on how it is used in a sentence.


  • “He is skinny” (negative) vs. “He is slim” (positive).
  • Using words with positive connotations can help create a more cheerful and friendly message.
  • Using negative connotation words can make a statement sound harsher or unfriendly.

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