1. Abandon – To leave something behind or give up on it.
  2. Brave – Showing courage or willingness to face danger.
  3. Calm – Peaceful and quiet; not excited or upset.
  4. Delight – A feeling of great pleasure or joy.
  5. Eager – Wanting to do something very much.
  6. Fragile – Easily broken or damaged; delicate.
  7. Generous – Willing to give and share; unselfish.
  8. Honest – Truthful and sincere; not lying.
  9. Incredible – Difficult to believe; extraordinary.
  10. Journey – A trip or travel from one place to another.
  11. Knowledge – Information, understanding, or skills gained through experience or education.
  12. Lively – Full of life and energy; active and animated.
  13. Mysterious – Difficult to understand or explain; puzzling.
  14. Noble – Having high moral qualities; honorable.
  15. Obvious – Easy to see or understand; clear.
  16. Patient – Able to wait without getting angry or upset.
  17. Quick – Done or happening in a short time; fast.
  18. Reliable – Capable of being trusted; dependable.
  19. Sincere – Genuine; not pretending to be something else.
  20. Terrific – Extremely good; excellent.
  21. Unique – Being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else.
  22. Vibrant – Full of energy and life; bright and colorful.
  23. Whisper – To speak very softly.
  24. Zealous – Showing great enthusiasm or energy in pursuit of a cause.
  25. Adapt – To change or adjust to new conditions.
  26. Balance – A state where things are equal or stable.
  27. Cautious – Careful to avoid danger or mistakes.
  28. Diligent – Hardworking and careful in completing tasks.
  29. Enchanting – Delightfully charming or attractive.
  30. Fascinating – Extremely interesting; captivating.
  31. Grateful – Feeling or showing thanks.
  32. Hopeful – Feeling optimistic about the future.
  33. Illuminate – To light up or make something clear.
  34. Jubilant – Feeling or expressing great happiness.
  35. Kindness – The quality of being friendly and considerate.
  36. Limitless – Without limits; infinite.
  37. Motivate – To encourage someone to do something.
  38. Neglect – To fail to take care of something or someone.
  39. Observe – To watch something carefully to learn about it.
  40. Ponder – To think about something carefully.
  41. Quest – A search or pursuit to find something.
  42. Respectful – Showing consideration for others.
  43. Surprise – An unexpected event or fact.
  44. Thrive – To grow or develop well; to flourish.
  45. Understand – To grasp the meaning or significance of something.
  46. Venture – A risky or daring journey or undertaking.
  47. Wholesome – Promoting health or well-being; good for you.
  48. Yield – To produce or provide something; to give way.
  49. Zephyr – A gentle breeze.
  50. Anticipate – To expect or look forward to something.
  51. Blossom – To develop or flourish; to produce flowers.
  52. Cherish – To hold something dear or value it greatly.
  53. Devote – To give a lot of time or attention to something.
  54. Embrace – To hug someone or to accept something willingly.
  55. Flourish – To grow or develop in a healthy way.
  56. Glimpse – A quick or short view of something.
  57. Hesitate – To pause before doing something, often because of uncertainty.
  58. Inspire – To motivate or encourage someone to do something creative or positive.
  59. Joyful – Full of happiness and joy.
  60. Keen – Having a sharp or intense interest.
  61. Lament – To express sorrow or regret.
  62. Magnify – To make something appear larger than it is.
  63. Navigate – To find one’s way, often using maps or directions.
  64. Originate – To come from a particular place or source.
  65. Perceive – To become aware of something through the senses.
  66. Quaint – Charming or unusual in an old-fashioned way.
  67. Radiate – To spread out from a center; to emit light or energy.
  68. Scrutinize – To examine something very carefully.
  69. Tolerant – Willing to accept feelings or behavior that are different from one’s own.
  70. Unravel – To solve or clarify something complicated.
  71. Validate – To confirm or support the truth of something.
  72. Wander – To move around without a fixed course; to roam.
  73. Yearn – To have a strong desire or longing for something.
  74. Zeal – Great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause.
  75. Allure – The quality of being attractive or charming.
  76. Brisk – Quick and energetic.
  77. Candid – Truthful and straightforward; frank.
  78. Dazzling – Extremely impressive, beautiful, or skillful.
  79. Eloquent – Fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing.
  80. Fickle – Changing frequently, especially in regards to one’s loyalties or interests.
  81. Gregarious – Sociable; enjoying the company of others.
  82. Humility – A modest view of one’s importance; humbleness.
  83. Impartial – Treating all rivals or disputants equally; fair.
  84. Jovial – Cheerful and friendly.
  85. Knotty – Complicated or difficult to resolve; full of knots.
  86. Lucid – Clear and easy to understand; rational.
  87. Mundane – Lacking interest or excitement; dull.
  88. Nurture – To care for and encourage growth.
  89. Obscure – Not well-known or unclear.
  90. Plausible – Seemingly reasonable or probable.
  91. Quench – To satisfy or extinguish, often used with thirst.
  92. Resilient – Able to recover quickly from difficulties.
  93. Saturate – To soak thoroughly; to fill completely.
  94. Timid – Showing a lack of courage or confidence; shy.
  95. Uplift – To raise something up or improve a person’s mood.
  96. Vicarious – Experienced through someone else’s actions.
  97. Whimsical – Playfully quaint or fanciful; unpredictable.
  98. Xenophobia – Fear or dislike of people from other countries.
  99. Yielding – Giving way under pressure; flexible.
  100. Zealousness – The quality of being zealous; passionate enthusiasm.

let’s practice!