Determine the meaning of words using synonyms in context

Key Notes :

Synonyms are words that mean the same thing or almost the same thing. When you see words you don’t know, you can use synonyms as context clues to help figure out the new words’ meanings.

Tracy Austin was crowned champion of the US Women’s Open in 1979. At sixteen years old, she was the youngest-ever winner of the event.

Here, the synonym winner can help you figure out that champion means someone who placed first in a contest.

Learn with an example

Read the passage. Then, select the synonym of the word in bold.

Ellie was feeling cheerful as she got up and went downstairs. She was happy because she was going to the water park that day.

The synonym happy helps you understand the meaning of cheerful.

Read the passage. Then, select the synonym of the word in bold.

We saw many old buildings during our holiday in France. For example, we visited an ancient church that was beginning to fall apart.

The synonym old helps you understand the meaning of ancient.

Read the passage. Then, select the synonym of the word in bold.

Redtailed hawks soar high in the sky. They often fly above the trees, searching for rabbits, mice, and squirrels to eat.

The synonym fly helps you understand the meaning of soar.

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