use context to identify the meaning of a word

⛳ If you don’t know the meaning of a word, look for context clues. Context clues are nearby words that help you figure out the meaning of a new word.

Here are some examples:

Megan was glum when her best friend moved away.

  • You can guess that glum means ‘sad’.

He said sorry, but I was still irate.

  • You can guess that irate means ‘angry’.

Mr. Lee keeps his home tidy and clean.

  • You can guess that tidy means ‘neat’.

Be cautiousMove slowly and mind your step.

  • You can guess that cautious means ‘careful’.

Learn with an example

⛳ Beth’s shoes are clean, but her sister’s are grimy.

  • A) tiny
  • B) dirty

⛳ The woman jumped into the lake to aid the drowning man.

  • A) help
  • B) splash

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