list of ” Use context to identify the meaning of a word “
- Adapt – To change in order to fit a new situation.
- Admire – To look up to someone with respect or approval.
- Agitate – To stir up or disturb; to make someone feel anxious.
- Anticipate – To expect or predict something will happen.
- Arise – To come into being or to occur.
- Assist – To help someone in doing something.
- Attain – To achieve or reach a goal.
- Baffle – To confuse or puzzle someone.
- Balance – A state of being equal or steady; to keep things steady.
- Barrier – An obstacle that prevents movement or progress.
- Bewilder – To cause someone to become confused or perplexed.
- Brilliant – Very bright; smart or clever.
- Calculate – To determine a number or amount using math.
- Calm – Peaceful; not excited or upset.
- Charming – Pleasant or attractive in a way that makes someone like you.
- Clarify – To make something easier to understand; to explain.
- Collect – To gather items or information together.
- Compete – To strive to win or be better than others.
- Complain – To express dissatisfaction or annoyance about something.
- Confident – Sure of oneself; having trust in one’s abilities.
- Construct – To build or create something.
- Contribute – To give or supply something, such as ideas or money.
- Cooperate – To work together toward a common goal.
- Create – To bring something into existence; to make.
- Crisis – A time of intense difficulty or danger.
- Curious – Eager to learn or know something.
- Decide – To make a choice or come to a conclusion.
- Defer – To put off or delay something; to yield to someone else’s opinion.
- Delight – A feeling of great pleasure or joy.
- Depend – To rely on someone or something for support.
- Develop – To grow or progress; to cause something to grow.
- Differentiate – To recognize or ascertain what makes something different.
- Disaster – A sudden event that causes great damage or distress.
- Distribute – To give out or spread over a wide area.
- Diverse – Having a variety of different types or elements.
- Eliminate – To completely remove or get rid of something.
- Encourage – To give support, confidence, or hope to someone.
- Enhance – To improve the quality or value of something.
- Enthusiastic – Having or showing intense and eager enjoyment or interest.
- Estimate – To make a rough calculation of the value, number, or quantity of something.
- Evaluate – To assess or judge the value or quality of something.
- Exclude – To leave out or not include something.
- Expand – To increase in size, number, or importance.
- Explain – To make something clear or easy to understand.
- Explore – To investigate or travel through an unfamiliar area.
- Fascinate – To attract and hold someone’s attention very strongly.
- Fiction – A story that is made up and not based on real events.
- Flourish – To grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way.
- Focus – To concentrate attention or energy on something.
- Frustrate – To make someone feel upset or annoyed because they cannot achieve something.
- Generate – To produce or create something.
- Hesitate – To pause before doing something due to uncertainty.
- Identify – To recognize or establish what something is.
- Imitate – To copy someone’s actions or behavior.
- Impact – The effect or influence of one thing on another.
- Include – To contain something as part of a whole.
- Influence – The power to change or affect someone or something.
- Inspire – To fill someone with the urge or ability to do something creative.
- Interact – To communicate or work together with others.
- Investigate – To look into something in detail to find out more.
- Isolate – To separate or set apart from others.
- Journey – The act of traveling from one place to another.
- Justify – To show or prove something to be right or reasonable.
- Limit – A point beyond which something does not or may not extend.
- Maintain – To keep something in a particular state or condition.
- Manipulate – To control or influence something or someone cleverly or unfairly.
- Navigate – To plan and direct the route or course of something.
- Negotiate – To discuss something in order to reach an agreement.
- Observe – To watch carefully and attentively.
- Obtain – To get or acquire something.
- Occasion – A particular time or instance of an event.
- Offer – To present something for someone to accept or reject.
- Organize – To arrange or put things in a specific order.
- Participate – To take part in an activity or event.
- Perceive – To become aware of something through the senses.
- Persuade – To convince someone to do something.
- Predict – To say what will happen in the future based on knowledge or experience.
- Preserve – To keep something in its original state or in good condition.
- Propose – To suggest a plan or idea for consideration.
- Protect – To keep something safe from harm or danger.
- Pursue – To follow or chase after something.
- React – To respond to something that has happened.
- Reflect – To think deeply or carefully about something.
- Regulate – To control or maintain something according to rules.
- Relate – To show or make a connection between things.
- Reveal – To make something known that was previously hidden.
- Revise – To review and make changes to something.
- Satisfy – To fulfill a desire or need; to make someone happy.
- Secure – To fix or attach something firmly; to make safe.
- Select – To choose something from a group.
- Significant – Important or meaningful.
- Simplify – To make something easier to understand or do.
- Synthesize – To combine different ideas or elements into a whole.
- Tempt – To attract someone to do something wrong or unwise.
- Theorize – To form a theory or set of theories about something.
- Translate – To express the meaning of something in a different language.
- Transform – To change something completely.
- Trust – To have confidence in someone or something.
- Validate – To confirm the truth or value of something.
- Volunteer – To offer to do something without being paid for it.
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