Identify nouns

  • Definition: A noun is a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea.
  • Examples:
    • Person: teacher, doctor, Mary
    • Place: school, park, New York
    • Thing: book, pencil, car
    • Idea: happiness, freedom, love

  1. Common Nouns:
    • Refer to general people, places, or things.
    • Not capitalized unless they begin a sentence.
    • Examples: city, dog, teacher
  2. Proper Nouns:
    • Name specific people, places, or things.
    • Always capitalized.
    • Examples: London, Mr. Smith, Eiffel Tower
  3. Concrete Nouns:
    • Name things that can be seen, touched, heard, smelled, or tasted.
    • Examples: apple, music, cat
  4. Abstract Nouns:
    • Name ideas, feelings, or qualities that cannot be seen or touched.
    • Examples: bravery, joy, intelligence
  5. Collective Nouns:
    • Refer to a group of people or things.
    • Examples: team, flock, class

  • Ask Questions: To identify a noun, you can ask questions like “Who?” (for people) and “What?” (for places, things, or ideas).
    • Example: “The dog is barking.”
      • Ask: What is barking? Answer: dog (noun).
  • Look for Naming Words: Nouns often name something or someone.
    • Example: “Sarah went to the store.”
      • Sarah (proper noun), store (common noun).

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