• Plurals are used to show that there is more than one of something.
  • Regular plurals are formed by adding -s, -es, or -ies to the end of a word.

  • Most nouns form their plurals by simply adding -s.
  • Examples:
    • cat → cats
    • book → books
    • car → cars

  • Nouns that end in -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, or -z form their plurals by adding -es.
  • Examples:
    • bus → buses
    • glass → glasses
    • brush → brushes
    • box → boxes
    • buzz → buzzes

  • For nouns that end in a consonant followed by -y, change the -y to -ies.
  • Examples:
    • baby → babies
    • lady → ladies
    • city → cities
  • If the noun ends in a vowel followed by -y, just add -s.
    • Examples:
      • boy → boys
      • day → days

Let’s practice!✒️