Identify personal pronouns

⛳ A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun or nouns.

Singular pronouns take the place of singular nouns (one person, place or thing).

  • Lea liked the book.
  • She liked it.
  • (She takes the place of Lea, and it takes the place of the book.)

⛳ These are singular pronouns:
I, you, he, she, it, me, him, her

Plural pronouns take the place of plural nouns (more than one person, place or thing).

  • The kids liked the books.
  • They liked them.
  • (They takes the place of the kids. Them takes the place of the books.)

⛳ These are plural pronouns:
we, you, they, us, them

Learn with an example

  • The pronoun is it.
  • The pronoun is I.
  • The pronoun is them.

Let’s practice!🖊️