Choose between subject and object personal pronouns

🗼You can use a subject pronoun as the subject of a sentence. It tells who is doing something, and it is usually at the beginning of the sentence. The subject pronouns are Iyouhesheitwe, and they.

  • I hug Rick.
  • The subject pronoun I is the subject of the sentence.

🗼 You can use an object pronoun after an action verb. You can also use an object pronoun after a preposition (like at, for, of, to, or with). The object pronouns are meyouhimheritus, and them.

  • Rick hugs me.

🗼 The object pronoun me is used after an action verb, hugs.

  • Rick smiles at me.

🗼The object pronoun me is used after a preposition, at.

Learn with an example

  • I
  • me
  • The missing pronoun comes after a preposition, on. So, you should use the object pronoun, me.
  • Her
  • She
  • The missing pronoun is the subject of the sentence. It tells who interrupts the teacher. So, you should use the subject pronoun, she.
  • We
  • Us
  • The missing pronoun is the subject of the sentence. It tells who rakes the leaves. So, you should use the subject pronoun, we.

Let’s practice!🖊️