Use reflexive pronouns

🔮 Reflexive pronouns are pronouns that end in -self or -selves.

Subject (singular)Reflexive pronoun
Subject (plural)   Reflexive pronoun

🔮 Reflexive pronouns are used to refer back to the subject of a sentence. They should match the subject.

  • We helped ourselves to some more soup.
  • The subject of the sentence is we, so use ourselves.
  • Amy drives herself to work every morning.
  • The subject of the sentence, Amy, can be called she, so use herself.

🔮 A reflexive pronoun can only be used to refer to the subject. To refer to someone else or something else, a personal pronoun, like me, you, him, her, it, us, or them, should be used instead.

  • Jake wrote a note for himself.
  • The reflexive pronoun, himself, refers back to the subject, Jake.
  • Jake wrote a note for him.
  • The personal pronoun, him, must refer to someone other than the subject, Jake.

Learn with an example

  • The subject, Ms Johnson, can be called she. Use the matching reflexive pronoun, herself.
  • The subject is he. So, use the matching reflexive pronoun, himself.
  • The subject, a rat, can be called it. Use the matching reflexive pronoun, itself.

Let’s practice!🖊️