Identify relative pronouns

📖 A relative pronoun introduces a dependent (or relative) clause that describes a noun or pronoun. The five main relative pronouns are who, whom, whose, which, and that.

  • The woman who lives next door grows tomatoes in her garden.
  • Peter, whom you met yesterday, has four younger brothers.
  • Emily, whose hair is quite long, likes wearing plaits.
  • I just read Janet’s new book, which came out last month.
  • This is the dress that I wore to my uncle’s wedding.

Learn with an example

  • The relative pronoun is that. It introduces a dependent clause that describes the noun bracelet.
    • I finally found the bracelet that I lost last month.
  • The relative pronoun is who. It introduces a dependent clause that describes the noun aunt.
    • My aunt, who is always going on new adventures, recently visited Australia
  • The relative pronoun is whom. It introduces a dependent clause that describes the noun people.
    • You should only purchase used cars from people whom you trust.

Let’s practice!🖊️