Use action verbs

An action verb tells you what a noun does.
She ate an apple. We smile.

Some action verbs tell you about actions that are hard to see.
He thought hard. We like this show.

Learn with an example

  • ached
  • sport
  • The best answer is ached. It is an action verb. It tells you what Susan’s legs did.
  • The word sport does not make sense in the sentence.
  • legend
  • glides
  • The best answer is glides. It is an action verb. It tells you what the figure skater does.
  • The word legend does not make sense in the sentence.
  • sausage
  • sniffed
  • The best answer is sniffed. It is an action verb. It tells you what Dad did.
  • The word sausage does not make sense in the sentence.

Let’s practice!🖊️

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