Use the correct modal verb

Modal verbs are helping verbs that express certain conditions. Some examples of modal verbs are cancouldmaymightmustshouldwill, and would.

The verb can shows ability.

Nate can ride a bike. The verb could shows past ability or a request.

Laura could do cartwheels when she was younger.

Could you bring me that book?

The verb may shows possibility, giving permission, or a request for permission.

Ben may be able to come tomorrow.

You may leave early if you’ve handed in your test.

May I be excused from the table?

The verb might shows possibility.

Jessica might join the swimming team.

The verb must shows necessity or near certainty.

Thomas must finish the project by tomorrow.

After staying up so late, you must be tired!

The verb should shows advice or expectation.

You should bring your umbrella.

We should be finished by noon.

The verb will shows future action.

Mr. Lee will speak at the meeting.

The verb would shows what would happen under a certain condition.

I would go if I had the time.

Learn with an example

  • Can
  • May
  • The missing word should show ability, so the correct answer is can.

📍 Select the modal verb that best completes the sentence.

  • might
  • must
  • The missing word should show necessity, so the correct answer is must.

📍 Select the modal verb that best completes the sentence.

  • will
  • would
  • The missing word should show a condition, so the correct answer is would.

Let’s practice!🖊️