Is the subject singular or plural?

Key Notes :

💡🤔 Singular subjects name only one person, animal, place, or thing. When a subject is singular, use a singular verb. Singular verbs end in -s, -es, or -ies.

  • Sarah visits her grandmother.
  • My cat washes her paws.

💡🤔Plural subjects name more than one person, animal, place, or thing. When a subject is plural, use a plural verb. Plural verbs usually do not end in -s, -es, or -ies.

  • Kyle and Jessie walk home.
  • The flowers grow in the garden.

Learn with an example

🎯 Look at the subject in bold. Is it singular or plural? Lucas and I slide down the hill in our sled.

  • singular
  • plural
  • The subjects Lucas and I are plural. It names more than one person. It goes with the verb slide, which does not end in -s or -es.
  • What do Lucas and I do? We slide down the hill in our sled.

🎯 Look at the subject in bold. Is it singular or plural? These berries taste much better than those other ones.

  • singular
  • plural
  • The subject of these berries is plural. It names more than one thing. It goes with the verb taste, which does not end in -s or -es.
  • What do these berries do? They taste much better than those other ones.

🎯 Look at the subject in bold. Is it singular or plural? My sister behaves nicely at the supermarket with our mum.

  • singular
  • plural
  • The subject of my sister is singular. It names one person. It goes with the verb behaves, which ends in -s.
  • What does my sister do? She behaves nicely at the supermarket with our mum.

Let’s practice!🖊️