Use the correct subject or verb

👌The subject and the verb in a sentence must agree.

👌Singular subjects name only one person, animal, place or thing. When a subject is singular, use a singular verb. Singular verbs end in -s or -es.

  • Sarah visits her grandmother.
  • My cat washes her paws.

👌Plural subjects name more than one person, animal, place or thing. When a subject is plural, use a plural verb. Plural verbs usually do not end in -s or -es.

  • Kyle and Jessie walk home.
  • The flowers grow in the garden.

Learn with an example

My aunts ________ the baby.

  • feed
  • feeds
  • Look at the subject, my aunts. It is a plural subject, so it goes with a plural verb. Plural verbs usually do not end in -s or -es.
  • my aunts feed
  • So, the best verb to complete the sentence is feed.

Our dog ____ the ball every time.

  • catches
  • catch
  • Look at the subject, our dog. It is a singular subject, so it goes with a singular verb. Singular verbs end in -s or -es.
  • our dog catches
  • So, the best verb to complete the sentence is catches.

Mum and Dad _____ tired after working all day.

  • feels
  • feel
  • Look at the subject, Mum and Dad. It is a plural subject, so it goes with a plural verb. Plural verbs usually do not end in -s or -es.
  • Mum and Dad feel
  • So, the best verb to complete the sentence is feel.