๐Ÿ‘ŒThe subject and the verb in a sentence must agree.

๐Ÿ‘ŒThe subject pronouns shehe and it name only one person or thing, so they are singular. When a subject is singular, use a singular verb. Singular verbs end in -s or -es.

  • He watches the neighbour’s baby.
  • It needs a new lock.

๐Ÿ‘ŒThe subject pronouns we and they name more than one person or thing, so they are plural. The pronoun you can also be plural. When a subject is plural, use a plural verb. Plural verbs usually do not end in -s or -es.

  • We walk home.
  • They finish early.

๐Ÿ‘ŒThe singular subject pronouns I and you do not follow these rules. They name only one person or thing, but they should be used with plural verbs.

  • You sing better than I do!
  • I close the windows at night.

Learn with an example

We _____ at Grandma.

  • grin
  • grins
  • Look at the subject pronoun, we. It is plural, so it goes with a plural verb. Plural verbs do not end in -s or -es.
  • we grin
  • So, the best verb to complete the sentence is grin.

Let’s practice!๐Ÿ–Š๏ธ