Change the sentence to future tense

key notes :

💡 The future tense tells you about something that is going to happen.

💡 To use a verb in the future tense, add will before the base form of the verb.

He will walk to school.

Learn with an example

📚 Select the present-tense verb in bold and change it to the future tense.

📚 The girls surprise their little brother.

  • The verb is surprise.
  • Add will before the verb to get the future tense. The future tense is will surprise.

📚 Select the present-tense verb in bold and change it to the future tense.

📚 Tessa and Mara explain their reason for leaving early.

  • The verb is explain.
  • Add will before the verb to get the future tense. The future tense is will explain.

📚 Select the present-tense verb in bold and change it to the future tense.

📚 The women arrange their chairs in a circle.

  • The verb is arrange.
  • Add will before the verb to get the future tense. The future tense is will arrange.

Let’s practice!🖊️