Identify adverbs

👌An adverb is a word that tells you more about a verb. It tells you howwhen, or where.

👌Some adverbs tell you how. These adverbs usually end in -ly.

  • How does she run?
  • She runs quickly.

👌Some adverbs tell you when.

  • When does he leave?
  • He leaves soon.

👌Some adverbs tell you where.

  • Where do they play?
  • They play outside.

Learn with an example

  • The adverb is gladly. It tells you about the verb draw. It tells you how.
  • How will I draw? I will gladly draw pictures.
  • The adverb is lightly. It tells you about the verb bounced. It tells you how.
  • How did the basketball bounce? The basketball bounced lightly.
  • The adverb is suddenly. It tells you about the verb left. It tells you how or when.
  • How or when did Mr Young leave? Mr Young left suddenly.

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