identify subordinating conjuctions

Subordinating conjunctions are used to connect two simple sentences in a special way.

The conjunctions after and before tell you when something happens.

I need to return this book before the library closes. The conjunctions as and while tell you that two things happen at the same time.

As we lie on the grass, we look for shapes in the clouds.

My brother likes to listen to music while he does homework.

The conjunction tells you how long something takes or lasts.

My mum told me to wait until she came back.

The conjunctions because and since tell you why something happens or why something is true.

I was late for school because I forgot to set my alarm.

Since I left my phone at home, I have to borrow my brother’s.

The conjunction unless shows an exception.

Unless it’s cloudy tonight, we will see the full moon.

The conjunction although shows surprise or contrast.

Although she was sick, my sister still went to school.

Learn with an example

  • Although Alma doesn’t usually like dogs,  she likes Elliot’s dog Fluffy.

The subordinating conjunction is although. It connects two simple sentences, and it shows surprise or contrast.

  • Lance should sleep longer since he stayed  up late last night.

The subordinating conjunction is since. It connects two simple sentences, and it tells you why something happens or why something is true.

  • Millie wrote a letter while she sat in the library.

The subordinating conjunction is while. It connects two simple sentences, and it tells you that two things happen at the same time.

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