Greetings and closings of letters
Key Notes:
1. What is a Greeting?
- The greeting is the opening line of a letter. It is how you say “hello” to the person you’re writing to.
- Example of Greetings:
- “Dear Mom,”
- “Hello Grandma,”
- “Hi Sam,”
- Always begin the greeting with a capital letter and put a comma ( , ) at the end.
2. What is a Closing?
- The closing is the last line of the letter. It is how you say “goodbye” or end the letter.
- Example of Closings:
- “Love,”
- “Sincerely,”
- “Your friend,”
- Always begin the closing with a capital letter, and add a comma ( , ) after the word.
Example Letter
Dear Grandma,
I hope you are doing well. I had a great time visiting you last weekend.
I love the cookies you made for me.
Tips for Writing Greetings and Closings:
- Keep it friendly: The greeting should match how you feel about the person. If it’s a friend or family, use “Dear” or “Hi.”
- Match your closing: If you started with “Dear,” end with “Sincerely” or “Love.” If you started with “Hi,” end with something like “Best” or “Your friend.”
let’s practice!