Choose reasons to support an opinion

  • An opinion is a statement that shows what someone believes or feels about something.
  • Opinions are subjective and cannot be proven true or false.
  • Example: I think summer is the best season.

  • Reasons are explanations that help support an opinion by providing evidence or examples.
  • Good reasons help others understand why you hold that opinion.
  • Example: I think summer is the best season because I can swim in the pool every day.

  • Giving reasons makes your opinion stronger and more convincing.
  • It helps others see your point of view and understand your opinion.
  • Example: Instead of just saying, I love pizza, give reasons like I love pizza because it has delicious cheese and many topping choices.

Make sure the reasons relate to the opinion: The reasons should clearly explain why you feel or believe something.

Example: Opinion: I think dogs are the best pets.

  • Good Reason: Dogs are friendly and loyal.

Bad Reason: Dogs are big animals. (This doesn’t explain why they are the best pets.)

Use facts or examples: Even though opinions are personal, you can use facts or examples to back them up.

Example: Opinion: I think exercise is important.

  • Supporting Reason: Exercise helps keep our bodies healthy and strong.

Make the reasons clear: Your reasons should be easy to understand and make sense to the reader.

Example: Opinion: I like reading books.

  • Clear Reason: Reading helps me learn new things and improves my imagination.

  • Opinion: I think recess is the best part of the school day.
  • Recess allows me to play with my friends.
  • It gives me a break from doing classwork.
  • Playing outside helps me stay active and healthy.

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