Determine the meaning of a word with a suffix: review

Key Notes :

  1. Definition: A suffix is a group of letters added to the end of a base word that changes its meaning.
  2. Common Suffixes: -ful, -less, -ed, -ing, -ly, -er, -est.

  1. Identify the Base Word: In “review,” the base word is “view.”
  2. Suffix Meaning: Explain that “re-” is a prefix, not a suffix in this case, which means “again” or “back.”
  3. Meaning of “Review”: Combining “re-” with “view” gives the meaning of looking at something again.

  1. Look at the Base Word: Determine the meaning of the base word first (e.g., “view” means to look at something).
  2. Add the Suffix or Prefix: Consider how the suffix or prefix changes the meaning (e.g., “re-” means again).
  3. Context Clues: Use the context of the sentence to understand how the new word is used.

  1. Unhappy: Base word “happy” + Prefix “un-” = Not happy.
  2. Playful: Base word “play” + Suffix “-ful” = Full of play.

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