1. Unhappy – Not happy; sad
  2. Unkind – Not kind; rude
  3. Impossible – Not possible; can’t be done
  4. Incorrect – Not correct; wrong
  5. Disagree – To have a different opinion
  6. Dislike – To not like; to have a negative feeling towards
  7. Inactive – Not active; not doing anything
  8. Impolite – Not polite; rude
  9. Irregular – Not regular; uneven or not following the pattern
  10. Nonstop – Without stopping; continuous
  11. Misbehave – To act badly or improperly
  12. Misplace – To put something in the wrong place
  13. Misunderstand – To not understand correctly
  14. Mistrust – To not trust; to have doubts about
  15. Disapprove – To not approve; to have a negative opinion
  16. Discomfort – Feeling of unease or pain
  17. Uncover – To reveal or make something visible
  18. Unfold – To open or spread out
  19. Unwrap – To remove the wrapping from something
  20. Uncertain – Not sure; doubtful

  1. Happy – Feeling or showing pleasure or contentment
  2. Happiness – The state of being happy
  3. Kind – Being generous and considerate
  4. Kindness – The quality of being kind
  5. Possible – Able to be done
  6. Possibility – The state of being possible
  7. Correct – Free from error; accurate
  8. Correction – The act of making something right
  9. Active – Engaged in action; not idle
  10. Activity – A condition in which things are happening or being done
  11. Polite – Showing good manners
  12. Politeness – The quality of being polite
  13. Regular – Following a pattern or routine
  14. Regularity – The quality of being regular
  15. Stop – To cease movement or action
  16. Stopping – The act of ceasing movement
  17. Behave – To act in a particular way
  18. Behavior – The way in which one acts
  19. Place – A particular position or point in space
  20. Placement – The action of placing something
  21. Understand – To grasp the meaning or significance
  22. Understanding – The ability to comprehend
  23. Trust – Belief in the reliability of something
  24. Trustworthy – Deserving of trust
  25. Approve – To accept or agree to something
  26. Approval – The feeling of approving
  27. Comfort – A state of physical ease and freedom from pain
  28. Comfortable – Providing physical ease
  29. Cover – To place something over something else
  30. Covering – The act of covering

  1. Revisit – To visit again
  2. Reapply – To apply again
  3. Rebuild – To build again
  4. Rewind – To wind back to an earlier point
  5. Redo – To do again
  6. Replay – To play again
  7. Reconsider – To think about something again
  8. Reread – To read again
  9. Refill – To fill again
  10. Rearrange – To arrange again
  11. Hopeful – Feeling or showing hope
  12. Painful – Causing pain
  13. Joyful – Full of joy
  14. Careful – Showing care
  15. Cheerful – Full of cheer
  16. Restless – Unable to rest
  17. Hopeless – Without hope
  18. Joyless – Without joy
  19. Fearless – Without fear
  20. Speechless – Without speech; unable to speak
  21. Comfortless – Without comfort
  22. Countless – Too many to be counted
  23. Endless – Without end
  24. Harmless – Not causing harm
  25. Usefulness – The quality of being useful
  26. Carelessness – The quality of not being careful
  27. Thoughtful – Showing careful consideration
  28. Helpful – Providing help
  29. Meaningful – Having meaning or significance
  30. Powerless – Without power
  31. Government – The group of people who control a country
  32. Arrangement – The way things are placed or organized
  33. Disappointment – The feeling of being let down
  34. Underestimate – To judge something as less important or valuable than it is
  35. Friendship – The state of being friends
  36. Creativity – The ability to create
  37. Achievement – Something accomplished successfully
  38. Endanger – To put in danger
  39. Painless – Without pain
  40. Misguided – Led in the wrong direction
  41. Recover – To get better or return to a normal state
  42. Recovery – The process of getting better
  43. Builder – A person who builds things
  44. Builder’s – Belonging to a builder
  45. Happiness – The state of being happy
  46. Unhappiness – The state of being unhappy
  47. Disorder – Lack of order or arrangement
  48. Outdated – No longer in use; old-fashioned
  49. Misuse – To use something incorrectly
  50. Misuseful – Not useful or suitable in the way it is used

Let’s practice!