Use the meanings of words as clues to the meanings of Greek and Latin roots

  • Definition: Explain that a root is the base part of a word that gives it its main meaning.
  • Greek and Latin Roots: These are the building blocks of many English words and can help us understand new words.

  • Greek Roots:
    • “Auto” (self): Examples – automobile, autograph.
    • “Tele” (far): Examples – telephone, television.
    • “Graph” (write): Examples – paragraph, graphic.
  • Latin Roots:
    • “Bio” (life): Examples – biology, biography.
    • “Dict” (speak): Examples – dictionary, predict.
    • “Port” (carry): Examples – transport, portable.

  • Understanding New Words: When encountering a new word, look at its root to guess its meaning.
    • Example: In the word “television”, “tele” means “far” and “vision” means “sight”. Combining these helps us understand that television is a device that lets you see things from far away.

  • Break down words into their roots and use the meanings of the roots to understand the whole word.
  • Example 1: “Autograph”“Auto” (self) + “graph” (write) = “a signature written by oneself”.
  • Example 2: “Biology”“Bio” (life) + “logy” (study) = “the study of life”.

  • Regularly review common Greek and Latin roots.
  • Encourage students to look for these roots in their reading and writing.

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