Key Notes :

  • Definition: A root is the base part of a word that carries its primary meaning. Greek and Latin roots are often used to form new words in English.

  • “Bio” (Greek): Means “life.” Examples: biography (story of someone’s life), biology (study of living things).
  • “Graph” (Greek): Means “write” or “draw.” Examples: autograph (signature), telegraph (writing from afar).
  • “Tele” (Greek): Means “far off.” Examples: telephone (sound from afar), television (seeing from afar).

  • “Spect” (Latin): Means “look” or “see.” Examples: spectacle (a great show to see), inspect (to look closely).
  • “Port” (Latin): Means “carry.” Examples: transport (to carry across), import (to bring in).
  • “Sub” (Latin): Means “under” or “below.” Examples: submarine (under the sea), subtract (take away).

  • Identify the Root: Break down the word into its root and any prefixes or suffixes.
  • Understand the Root Meaning: Use the meaning of the root to help guess the meaning of the whole word.
  • Combine Meanings: Consider the prefix or suffix to fully understand the word’s meaning.

  • “Microscope”:
    • Root: “Micro” (Greek) = “small”
    • Suffix: “-scope” (Greek) = “instrument for viewing”
    • Meaning: An instrument for viewing small things.
  • “Transport”:
    • Root: “Port” (Latin) = “carry”
    • Prefix: “Trans-” (Latin) = “across”
    • Meaning: To carry across.

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