• A compound word is formed when two or more words are joined together to create a new word with a unique meaning.
  • Example: “sun” + “flower” = “sunflower.”
  • Closed Compound Words: These are written as a single word without spaces or hyphens.
    • Example: “toothbrush,” “notebook.”
  • Hyphenated Compound Words: These are connected by a hyphen.
    • Example: “mother-in-law,” “well-being.”
  • Open Compound Words: These are written as separate words but function together as a single idea.
    • Example: “ice cream,” “post office.”
  • Noun + Noun: Combining two nouns to form a new word.
    • Example: “rain” + “bow” = “rainbow.”
  • Adjective + Noun: An adjective combined with a noun.
    • Example: “black” + “board” = “blackboard.”
  • Verb + Noun: A verb combined with a noun.
    • Example: “play” + “ground” = “playground.”
  • The meaning of a compound word is often related to the meanings of the individual words.
  • Example: “basketball” is a sport played with a ball and a basket.
  • Encourage students to practice using compound words in sentences to understand their meaning and how they function.
  • Example: “I use a toothbrush every morning.”
  • Introduce students to common compound words they might encounter frequently.
  • Examples: “toothpaste,” “airport,” “sunshine,” “footprint.”
  • Understanding compound words helps in expanding vocabulary and improving reading comprehension.

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