Select the members of a group

  • Definition: A group is a collection of items or people that share something in common.
  • Examples: Animals in a zoo, fruits in a basket, or objects in a classroom.
  • Features: Look for common features or characteristics that members of the group share.
  • Examples: Animals that live in the water (fish, whales), fruits that are red (apples, strawberries).
  • Sorting: Practice sorting items into groups based on their characteristics.
  • Visual Aids: Use pictures or objects to help visualize the sorting process.
  • Inclusion: Determine which items belong to a specific group by matching their characteristics.
  • Exclusion: Identify items that do not belong to the group based on missing characteristics.

Explain how to identify common features or characteristics that define a group. For instance, if the group is “fruits,” members should be items that grow on trees or plants and are edible.

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