1. Happy – Feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.
  2. Sad – Feeling or showing sorrow; unhappy.
  3. Big – Of considerable size, extent, or intensity.
  4. Small – Of a size that is less than normal or usual.
  5. Fast – Moving or capable of moving at high speed.
  6. Slow – Moving or operating, or designed to do so, only at a low speed; not quick or fast.
  7. Cold – Of or at a low or relatively low temperature.
  8. Hot – Having a high degree of heat or a high temperature.
  9. Bright – Giving out or reflecting a lot of light; shining.
  10. Dark – With little or no light.
  11. Strong – Having the power to move heavy weights or perform other physically demanding tasks.
  12. Weak – Lacking the power to perform physically demanding tasks; having little physical strength or energy.
  13. Brave – Ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage.
  14. Afraid – Feeling fear or anxiety; frightened.
  15. Clean – Free from dirt, marks, or stains.
  16. Dirty – Covered or marked with an unclean substance.
  17. Quiet – Making little or no noise.
  18. Loud – Producing or capable of producing much noise.
  19. Easy – Achieved without great effort; presenting few difficulties.
  20. Difficult – Needing much effort or skill to accomplish, deal with, or understand.
  21. Soft – Easy to mold, cut, compress, or fold; not hard or firm to the touch.
  22. Hard – Solid, firm, and resistant to pressure; not easily broken, bent, or pierced.
  23. Near – At or to a short distance away.
  24. Far – Situated at a great distance in space or time.
  25. Friendly – Kind and pleasant.
  26. Unfriendly – Not friendly; hostile.
  27. Rich – Having a great deal of money or assets; wealthy.
  28. Poor – Lacking sufficient money to live at a standard considered comfortable or normal in a society.
  29. Old – Having lived for a long time; no longer young.
  30. Young – Having lived or existed for only a short time.
  31. Tall – Of great or more than average height.
  32. Short – Measuring a small distance from end to end.
  33. Full – Containing or holding as much or as many as possible; having no empty space.
  34. Empty – Containing nothing; not filled or occupied.
  35. Beautiful – Pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically.
  36. Ugly – Unpleasant or repulsive, especially in appearance.
  37. Safe – Protected from or not exposed to danger or risk; not likely to be harmed or lost.
  38. Dangerous – Able or likely to cause harm or injury.
  39. Smart – Having or showing a quick-witted intelligence.
  40. Dull – Lacking interest or excitement.
  41. Cheap – Low in price, especially in relation to similar items or services.
  42. Expensive – Costing a lot of money.
  43. Light – The natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible.
  44. Heavy – Of great weight; difficult to lift or move.
  45. Early – Happening or done before the usual or expected time.
  46. Late – Doing something or taking place after the expected, proper, or usual time.
  47. Strong – Able to perform a specified action well and powerfully.
  48. Fragile – (Of an object) easily broken or damaged.
  49. Rough – Having an uneven or irregular surface; not smooth or level.
  50. Smooth – Having an even and regular surface; free from perceptible projections, lumps, or indentations.
  51. Wet – Covered or saturated with water or another liquid.
  52. Dry – Free from moisture or liquid; not wet or moist.
  53. Shiny – (Of a smooth surface) reflecting light, typically because very clean or polished.
  54. Dull – Lacking brightness, vividness, or sheen.
  55. Quick – Moving fast or doing something in a short time.
  56. Slow – Moving at a low speed; not quick.
  57. Thick – With opposite sides or surfaces that are far or relatively far apart.
  58. Thin – Having opposite surfaces or sides that are close or relatively close together.
  59. Wide – Of great or more than average width.
  60. Narrow – Of small width in relation to length.
  61. Strong – Able to withstand great force or pressure.
  62. Weak – Lacking physical strength, energy, or force.
  63. Warm – Of or at a fairly or comfortably high temperature.
  64. Cool – At a fairly low temperature.
  65. Noisy – Making or given to making a lot of noise.
  66. Quiet – Making little or no noise.
  67. Open – Allowing access, passage, or a view through an empty space; not closed or blocked up.
  68. Closed – Not open; shut.
  69. Thick – Having a large distance between opposite sides or surfaces.
  70. Thin – Having little, or relatively little, extent from one surface or side to the opposite; not thick.
  71. Fast – Moving or capable of moving at high speed.
  72. Slow – Moving or operating, or designed to do so, only at a low speed; not quick or fast.
  73. Strong – Able to perform a specified action well and powerfully.
  74. Weak – Lacking the power to perform physically demanding tasks; having little physical strength or energy.
  75. Happy – Feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.
  76. Sad – Feeling or showing sorrow; unhappy.
  77. Big – Of considerable size, extent, or intensity.
  78. Small – Of a size that is less than normal or usual.
  79. Fast – Moving or capable of moving at high speed.
  80. Slow – Moving or operating, or designed to do so, only at a low speed; not quick or fast.
  81. Cold – Of or at a low or relatively low temperature.
  82. Hot – Having a high degree of heat or a high temperature.
  83. Bright – Giving out or reflecting a lot of light; shining.
  84. Dark – With little or no light.
  85. Strong – Having the power to move heavy weights or perform other physically demanding tasks.
  86. Weak – Lacking the power to perform physically demanding tasks; having little physical strength or energy.
  87. Brave – Ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage.
  88. Afraid – Feeling fear or anxiety; frightened.
  89. Clean – Free from dirt, marks, or stains.
  90. Dirty – Covered or marked with an unclean substance.
  91. Quiet – Making little or no noise.
  92. Loud – Producing or capable of producing much noise.
  93. Easy – Achieved without great effort; presenting few difficulties.
  94. Difficult – Needing much effort or skill to accomplish, deal with, or understand.
  95. Soft – Easy to mold, cut, compress, or fold; not hard or firm to the touch.
  96. Hard – Solid, firm, and resistant to pressure; not easily broken, bent, or pierced.
  97. Near – At or to a short distance away.
  98. Far – Situated at a great distance in space or time.
  99. Friendly – Kind and pleasant.
  100. Unfriendly – Not friendly; hostile.