1. Begin – To start something.
  2. Create – To make something new.
  3. Huge – Very large in size.
  4. Small – Not large; little in size.
  5. Brave – Showing courage.
  6. Smart – Being intelligent or clever.
  7. Quick – Moving fast.
  8. Slow – Not moving quickly; at a low speed.
  9. Easy – Not difficult; simple.
  10. Difficult – Hard to do or understand.
  11. Quiet – Making very little noise.
  12. Loud – Making a lot of noise.
  13. Happy – Feeling joy or pleasure.
  14. Sad – Feeling sorrow; unhappy.
  15. Friend – A person whom one knows and trusts.
  16. Enemy – A person who is actively opposed or hostile.
  17. Clean – Free from dirt or marks.
  18. Dirty – Covered with dirt or marks.
  19. Full – Containing as much as possible.
  20. Empty – Containing nothing; not filled.
  21. Day – The period when it is light outside.
  22. Night – The period when it is dark outside.
  23. Light – Bright or not heavy.
  24. Heavy – Of great weight; not light.
  25. Cold – Having a low temperature.
  26. Hot – Having a high temperature.
  27. Soft – Not hard or firm.
  28. Hard – Firm, solid, and not easy to bend.
  29. Open – Allowing access; not closed.
  30. Closed – Not open; shut.
  31. Up – Moving toward a higher place.
  32. Down – Moving toward a lower place.
  33. Safe – Free from harm or danger.
  34. Dangerous – Likely to cause harm or injury.
  35. Sweet – Having a taste like sugar.
  36. Bitter – Having a sharp, unpleasant taste.
  37. Fast – Moving quickly.
  38. Slow – Moving at a low speed.
  39. Strong – Having physical power.
  40. Weak – Lacking physical power.
  41. Bright – Giving off much light; shining.
  42. Dim – Not bright; with little light.
  43. True – In accordance with fact or reality.
  44. False – Not true; incorrect.
  45. Near – Close in distance.
  46. Far – Distant; a long way off.
  47. Soft – Gentle or not loud.
  48. Loud – Making a lot of noise.
  49. Simple – Easy to understand; not complicated.
  50. Complex – Made of many different parts; not simple.
  51. Early – Before the expected time.
  52. Late – After the expected time.
  53. Empty – Containing nothing.
  54. Full – Containing as much as possible.
  55. Above – At a higher level.
  56. Below – At a lower level.
  57. Thick – Not thin; having a large distance between opposite sides.
  58. Thin – Having little distance between opposite sides; not thick.
  59. Wide – Having a great extent from side to side.
  60. Narrow – Not wide; having a small width.
  61. Friendly – Kind and pleasant to others.
  62. Unfriendly – Not kind or pleasant to others.
  63. Rich – Having a lot of money or resources.
  64. Poor – Having little money or resources.
  65. Sharp – Having a thin edge or point that can cut something.
  66. Dull – Not sharp; not able to cut.
  67. Hungry – Feeling the need for food.
  68. Full – Having eaten enough food.
  69. Bright – Full of light; shining.
  70. Dark – With little or no light.
  71. Agree – To have the same opinion.
  72. Disagree – To have a different opinion.
  73. Fresh – Recently made or obtained; not stale or spoiled.
  74. Stale – No longer fresh; old or spoiled.
  75. Smooth – Having an even surface.
  76. Rough – Having an uneven surface.
  77. Strong – Physically powerful.
  78. Weak – Lacking in strength.
  79. Clear – Easy to see, understand, or recognize.
  80. Confusing – Hard to understand; unclear.
  81. Generous – Willing to give more than necessary.
  82. Selfish – Caring only about oneself.
  83. Short – Not tall; below average height.
  84. Tall – Of greater than average height.
  85. Young – Having lived for only a short time; not old.
  86. Old – Having lived for a long time; not young.
  87. Cool – Not warm; slightly cold.
  88. Warm – Slightly hot; not cold.
  89. Happy – Feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.
  90. Miserable – Extremely unhappy or uncomfortable.
  91. Active – Engaged in action; not idle.
  92. Lazy – Unwilling to work or use energy.
  93. Polite – Having or showing good manners.
  94. Rude – Not polite; disrespectful.
  95. Clever – Quick to understand or learn; intelligent.
  96. Foolish – Lacking good sense or judgment.
  97. Patient – Able to accept or tolerate delays or problems.
  98. Impatient – Not willing to wait or tolerate delays.
  99. Bright – Intelligent or quick to learn.
  100. Dull – Lacking interest or excitement; not bright.

let’s practice!