Identify homophones

Homophones are words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings.

  • My friends and I buy lunch at school.
    • Buy means to pay for something.
  • Then we all eat together by the big tree.
    • By means near.
  • We say bye to each other when the bell rings.
    • Bye is short for goodbye.


The homophone of there is they’re. They sound the same, but they have different spellings and meanings.

  • There means at, to, or in that place.
  • They’re means they are.

The homophone of flew is flu. They sound the same, but they have different spellings and meanings.

  • Flew means moved through the air using wings.
  • The flu is a kind of sickness that is like a cold but worse.

The homophone of to is too. They sound the same, but they have different spellings and meanings.

  • To means in the direction of.
  • Too means also.

Learn with an example

The farmer’s whole family was sick with the flu.

The homophone of flew is flu. They sound the same, but they have different spellings and meanings.

Flew means moved through the air using wings.

The flu is a kind of sickness that is like a cold but worse.

Millie knows our new neighbours from Dharapur.

The homophone of nose is knows. They sound the same, but they have different spellings and meanings.

Your nose is the part of your face that you smell with.

Knows means is aware of or familiar with.

I know a nice place for a picnic.

The homophone of no is know. They sound the same, but they have different spellings and meanings.

No means not any.

Know means to be aware of or familiar with.

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