list of ” Which definition matches the sentence? “
- Abandon: To leave behind or give up.
- Absorb: To take in or soak up a liquid.
- Accurate: Correct or precise.
- Ancient: Very old; from a long time ago.
- Anxious: Worried or nervous about something.
- Apathetic: Showing no interest or concern.
- Assist: To help or aid someone.
- Attractive: Pleasing to look at; appealing.
- Brave: Showing courage; not afraid.
- Calm: Peaceful and quiet; not excited.
- Cheerful: Happy and in good spirits.
- Clever: Smart or intelligent; quick-thinking.
- Comfortable: Providing physical ease and relaxation.
- Confident: Sure of oneself; having self-assurance.
- Courage: The ability to do something that frightens you.
- Curious: Eager to learn or know something.
- Delicious: Very pleasant to taste.
- Determined: Having made a firm decision to do something.
- Diverse: Showing a great deal of variety; different.
- Eager: Wanting to do something very much.
- Encourage: To inspire or give support.
- Energy: The ability to be active; power.
- Environment: The surroundings or conditions in which a person lives.
- Evolve: To develop gradually over time.
- Exciting: Causing great enthusiasm and eagerness.
- Fascinate: To attract and hold the interest of someone.
- Fiction: Literature that describes imaginary events and people.
- Fragrant: Having a pleasant or sweet smell.
- Generous: Willing to give more than is expected.
- Genuine: Authentic; real and true.
- Grateful: Feeling thankful for something.
- Hesitate: To pause before doing something, usually due to uncertainty.
- Honest: Truthful and sincere.
- Impress: To make someone feel admiration or respect.
- Inspire: To fill someone with the urge or ability to do something.
- Intelligent: Having the ability to think, understand, and learn.
- Joyful: Full of happiness and joy.
- Kind: Being friendly, generous, and considerate.
- Knowledge: Information and understanding gained through experience or education.
- Loyal: Faithful and devoted to someone or something.
- Mysterious: Difficult to understand or explain; puzzling.
- Optimistic: Hopeful and confident about the future.
- Passionate: Having or showing strong feelings or beliefs.
- Patient: Able to accept or tolerate delays without becoming annoyed.
- Peaceful: Free from disturbance; calm and quiet.
- Pleasant: Giving a sense of happy satisfaction or enjoyment.
- Polite: Showing good manners; respectful.
- Positive: Constructive, optimistic, or confident.
- Proud: Feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction about something.
- Quick: Moving fast or doing something in a short time.
- Radiant: Sending out light; shining or glowing.
- Rejoice: To feel great joy; to be very happy.
- Respectful: Showing politeness and honor toward someone.
- Resourceful: Able to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties.
- Responsible: Having an obligation to do something or take care of someone.
- Rude: Offensively impolite or bad-mannered.
- Sincere: Genuine; free from pretense or deceit.
- Skilled: Having the ability to do something well.
- Slightly: A little; not very much.
- Social: Relating to society or its organization; friendly.
- Stubborn: Unyielding; not willing to change one’s mind.
- Supportive: Providing encouragement or emotional help.
- Surprising: Causing surprise; unexpected.
- Tolerant: Allowing the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with.
- Unique: Being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else.
- Valuable: Worth a lot; having great worth or importance.
- Vibrant: Full of energy and life.
- Victorious: Having won a victory; triumphant.
- Willing: Ready and eager to do something.
- Witty: Showing quick and inventive verbal humor.
- Wonderful: Inspiring delight, pleasure, or admiration.
- Youthful: Having the qualities of being young; energetic.
- Zealous: Having or showing enthusiasm in pursuit of something.
- Accomplish: To achieve or complete successfully.
- Adventurous: Willing to take risks or try new experiences.
- Amazed: To be filled with wonder or astonishment.
- Brilliant: Exceptionally clever or talented.
- Bubbly: Full of cheerful high spirits; lively.
- Challenging: Testing one’s abilities; difficult but rewarding.
- Comforting: Providing comfort; soothing.
- Confused: Unable to think clearly; bewildered.
- Creative: Having the ability to invent or imagine.
- Delightful: Causing delight; very pleasing.
- Diligent: Showing careful and persistent effort.
- Disappointed: Sad or displeased because something did not happen as expected.
- Elegant: Graceful and stylish in appearance or manner.
- Energetic: Showing or involving great activity or vitality.
- Excuse: To seek to lessen the blame attached to (a fault or offense).
- Faithful: Loyal and steadfast.
- Flexible: Capable of bending easily without breaking.
- Flourish: To grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way.
- Generous: Willing to give more of something than is strictly necessary or expected.
- Grim: Stern, forbidding, or uninviting.
- Hopeful: Feeling or inspiring optimism about a future event.
- Impressive: Having a strong effect on someone’s mind or feelings.
- Mature: Fully developed; adult.
- Noble: Having high moral qualities; honorable.
- Polished: Smooth and shiny; refined or sophisticated.
- Remarkable: Worthy of attention; extraordinary.
- Tender: Showing gentleness and concern or sympathy.
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