Indian Place Value Chart

🔴What is the Indian Place Value Chart?

A chart that represents the place value of numbers as per the Indian number system is called the Indian place value chart. A number represents a count or a value. Each digit has its place value in the number, which tells its position. To learn the large numbers without any confusion, we use this chart to arrange them into periods. These periods are separated from each other using commas.

We usually go far up to nine places in the place value chart. The ninth place represents ten crores, and the first place shows the ones place. The order of place value is given from right to left for a whole number.

Ten CroresOne CroreTen LakhsOne LakhTen ThousandsThousandsHundredsTensOnes
10,00,00, 0001,00,00,00010,00,0001,00,00010,0001,000100101

An example of a number is given below, using the Indian place value chart.

Ten CroresOne CroreTen LakhsOne LakhTen ThousandsThousandsHundredsTensOnes

The above number is 12, 20, 45, 912. If we spell it in words, the number would be Twelve crores, twenty-lakhs, forty-five thousand, nine hundred twelve.

🔷Indian Place Value Chart – Periods

If we draw the chart for the Indian place value system based on period, then follow the below rules:

  • First Period: In the above chart, the first period will include three-place values, i.e., ones, tens and hundreds.
  • Second Period: The second period in the chart includes two place values, i.e., thousands and ten thousands.
  • Third Period: In the Indian place value chart, the third period will include two places for lakhs and ten lakhs.
  • Fourth Period: The fourth period will have two places, for crore and ten crores.

🔷Difference Between Indian and International Place Value Chart:

The lakhs and crores in the Indian system are not represented the same as the international number system. This is the main difference between them, which is expressed through putting commas differently in a number. Let us find more differences in the below table.

Indian Place Value ChartInternational Place Value Chart
The order of place values of digits are:

Ones, Tens, Hundreds, Thousands, Ten thousands, Lakhs, Ten lakhs, Crores, Ten crores.
The order of place values of digits are:

Ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands, millions, ten million, and hundred million.
The nine places in the chart are grouped into four periods.The nine places in the chart are grouped into three periods.
The digits are separated by commas in the form of 3,2,2, starting from right to left in a number.The digits are separated by commas in the form of 3,3,3, starting from right to left in a number.
Example: 1, 32, 24, 54, 900Example: 1, 322, 454, 900

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