
  • Microbes (also called microorganisms) are tiny living things that are too small to see with the naked eye.
  • They can only be seen with a microscope.
  • Bacteria: Single-celled organisms that come in various shapes like rods, spirals, and spheres.
  • Fungi: Includes molds and yeasts. Some fungi can be seen with the naked eye, like mushrooms.
  • Viruses: Even smaller than bacteria, viruses need to enter other living cells to grow and reproduce.
  • Microbes are found everywhere: in the air, water, soil, on our skin, and even inside our bodies.
  • Some microbes live in extreme places, like hot springs, ice caps, or deep oceans.
  • Some bacteria help us digest food and keep our bodies healthy.
  • Yeast (a type of fungus) is used in baking to make bread rise.
  • Certain bacteria help make foods like yogurt, cheese, and pickles.
  • Some bacteria and viruses can cause diseases like colds, flu, and stomach infections.
  • Molds can spoil food if left out too long.
  • Washing hands with soap and water helps get rid of harmful microbes.
  • Cooking food properly and keeping it clean prevents the growth of harmful bacteria.
  • Not all germs are bad! Many are actually helpful and necessary for life on Earth.

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